Ich/Du and Photographic Materiality com Aleksandra Vajd
23.04.2024, 17:30
Aula Magna, FBAUP

Personal basic and temporary teaching principles and the general state of the medium of photography today within the contemporary art context:
The mass use of photographic images is a key element of research in today’s visual communication. Photography has no fixed identity, it can be a technical image created to document reality, as well as a medium used in visual art. Today, in the age of the internet and smartphones, photography has become a common means of communication, approaching and often replacing the written and spoken word. Photography has been transformed from a stable, tangible, unique object into an instant, ephemeral and virtual object. The internet is a place full of an ever-increasing number of photographs, unanchored images that move back and forth across the internet. At a given moment, images change their location, temporarily become part of other networks, create and break links, co-create discourse, are copied, linked to keywords, and then disappear again. Photography will be with us in the future, but we don’t know what it will look like. In today’s dynamic development of visual technologies, thinking about photography is thinking about the border between the present and the future. Thanks to its democratic nature, photography is an ideal entry medium into the sphere of contemporary art. Photography points us towards the future.