Open Class with Erik Smith

28.11.2023, 14:00
Sala 301, Pavilhão Carlos Ramos, FBAUP

Erik Smith (born Boston, US) is an American artist living and working in Berlin, Germany.

Selected solo exhibitions include Un-buildings, Galerie Stadtpark, Krems, AT, 2021; Displacements, Errant Sound, Berlin, DE, 2019; Ghosts, Counterpath, Denver, CO, US, 2018; Psychoarcheology, FRAGMENTA/Valetta 2018, Malta; AABBCCDV, Dimensions Variable, Miami, FL, US, 2012; The Ghost of James Lee Byars Calling, De Appel Center for Contemporary Art, Amsterdam, NL, 2007.

Selected group exhibitions include Blind Vision, Atelier Rathenow, Berlin, DE, 2022; Stadt findet Kunst, Berlin, DE, 2021; 20|20 — Stadt|Zeit|Kunst, Schoeler, Berlin, 2020; (re)space — Take Back the Space, Kunstpunkt Serlin, DE, 2019; Freux Follet, BBB centre d’art, Toulouse, FR, 2016; Black Mirror, Arsenic, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2010; In Practice Projects, SculptureCenter, UC, NY, US, 2008.

Smith was a guest of AIR — Artist in Residence Niederösterreich, Krems, Austria in 2021. The first catalog of his work will be published in 2024 thanks to a grant from Stiftung Kunstfonds Bonn, Germany.